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(by Charles A. Tindley)
When the storm of life is raging / Stand by me / When the storm of life is raging
Stand by me / When the world is tossing me / Like a ship upon the sea / Thou who rulest wind
and water / Stand by me

In the midst of tribulation / Stand by me / In the midst of tribulation / Stand by me / When the
hosts of hell assail / And my strength begins to fail / Thou who never lost a battle / Stand by

In the midst of faults and failures / Stand by me / In the midst of faults and failures / Stand by
me / When I do the best I can / And my friends misunderstand / Thou who knowest all about
me / Stand by me

When I'm growing old and feeble / Stand by me / When I'm growing old and feeble / Stand
by me / When my life becomes a burden / And I'm nearing chilly Jordan / O Thou "Lily of
the Valley" / Stand by me

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by Spiritual Workshop
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